
Circ/Total Supply
24h Turnover
IoTeX was founded in 2017 as an open source project in Silicon Valley, dedicated to building the world's leading privacy-centric high-performance blockchain platform. IoTeX aims to become a trusted computing and application platform for intelligent things, collaboration and value exchange between developers and people. IoTeX is committed to combining blockchain, trusted hardware and edge computing to realize the trusted interconnection of everything and connect the world with blocks!
IoTeX was founded in 2017 as an open source silicon Valley project to build network architectures from scratch (no forks) and tailor solutions for iot use cases. IoTeX's mission is to create an open ecosystem for the trusted Internet of Things, enabling all people and machines to freely exchange information and value in a secure, trusted and privacy-protected environment. Combining technologies such as blockchain, security hardware, and private computing, the IoTeX network enables trusted data from trusted devices to be used for trusted DApps.
The IoTeX team is made up of more than 30 top engineers and scientists from Uber, Google, Intel, Facebook and other top technology companies. The IoTeX network is currently maintained by more than 70 nodes from around the world, including Blockfolio, CoinGecko, DraperDragon and others.
IoTeX is a fully decentralized open ecosystem with native tokens (IOTX). IOTX tokens have a variety of uses. The goal is to ensure trusted, transparent and secure interactions among the stakeholders in the IoTeX network, including nodes, stakeholders (voters), developers, service providers and users. IOTX token and IoTeX token economy complement each other, establishing a complete set of economic and reputation incentive mechanism, further strengthening the concept of IoTeX network decentralization, and fully applied to IoTeX enabled iot products.
In an IoTeX network, various agents access and use various network resources by using, pledging and destroying IOTX. As the utility of IOTX tokens increases, so will their demand and value, continuing to motivate many participants to support, maintain and service the IoTeX network.
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Distribution of tokens | Number of | Percent |
The ecological system | 3000000000 | 30% |
IoTeX foundation | 2500000000 | 25% |
private | 2400000000 | 24% |
team | 1500000000 | 15% |
Community rewards | 600000000 | 6% |