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Elon Musk
For the first time in 4.5 billion years, it is possible for life to become multiplanetary. LFG!!!
Elon Musk: Let's allocate 1% of our efforts to make life multiplanetary. I think it's worth it. "I do think that 99% of our effort should be focused on Earth, and really, 99.9% of our effort is focused on Earth. But I do think it's worth to say, let's take 1% and try to establish a self-sustaining city on Mars and make life multiplanetary. And I think there are a couple of good reasons for that. First of all, there's always the possibility that there could be some terrible thing that happens on Earth that we maybe don't anticipate. And if you look at the fossil record and the fact that there have been five major extinction events in the last 500 million years, and what happened to the dinosaurs? They used to be here. They're not around anymore. So, that's the defensive argument. And then, there's what I call the inspiration argument or the excitement. Building a city on Mars would just be this incredible adventure, that there be things in life that are exciting and inspiring, that when you wake up in the morning, you're like, yes, I'm glad to be alive. And I think having this great adventure would be like that." Interview with the Chinese Television, 2015