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Business Insider预测:2020年Libra不会正式发布,中国将发布数字货币


本文选摘于 《【钛媒体双语】BI预测2020:Libra不会正式发布,中国将发布数字货币》 ,来源:钛媒体,作者:石万佳

近日,Business Insider 发布了对于2020年科技行业30大预测,其中包括对于金融科技行业的五大预测。


美国商业研究机构 Business Insider(下文简称“BI”) 提出:2020年将是数字化转型的落地元年。

BI在近期发布的《2020年度重要科技趋势预测报告》(30 Big Tech Predictions for 2020)中,针对银行业、通讯技术、数字化媒体、电商支付、金融科技及数字医疗六大领域提出了前瞻预测。


2019 marked a dynamic and eventful year for the fintech industry, with big tech players pushing deeper into financial services, corporate giants and governments alike turning their focus to digital currencies, and the industry shifting its attention from fintechs’ user growth numbers to sustainability.


Further, both incumbents and fintechs have been exploring new business models to diversify their revenue streams, players like Robinhood and Freetrade have been disrupting the trading industry by transforming the rules of the game, and emerging markets — such as Latin America — have come to the fore as vibrant fintech ecosystems.


Based on these developments, our proprietary research, and the trends we’ve seen intensifying as we head into the new year, here are our top five predictions for fintech in 2020.


1、Libra won’t launch in 2020, but China will launch a digital currency and push other jurisdictions to follow suit — here’s why:


Facebook remains confident it can deliver on Libra, but since the project has been plagued by criticism, we don't think it will launch in 2020. In June, Facebook announced its plan to launch its cryptocurrency, Libra, with 28 partners in H1 2020. Many regulatory bodies and governments have scrutinized the project since then — Mark Zuckerberg had to testify in front of Congress amid concerns that Libra could facilitate money laundering, endanger users' assets, and give Facebook more power, for instance.


The loss of support from some of its key members, including Visa, Mastercard, and PayPal, has also put a damper on the project. But Facebook has already logged over 51,000 test transactions in November and insists it can resolve government worries and launch within H2 2020.


This confidence is likely fueled by a strong track record of getting its way, including with the acquisitions of Instagram and WhatsApp, despite regulatory concerns. However, we think this time will be different given the slew of voices globally that have raised concerns and mounting antitrust scrutiny against all big tech giants — if at all, Libra won't launch in the next 12 months.


Meanwhile, China will launch its own crypto in 2020, leading a number of other countries to ramp up similar efforts. Although Facebook's crypto plans are looking bleak, China's central bank has gotten close to launching its own crypto: It began researching the venture in 2018, and it was reported in August that the crypto was "close to being out."


We expect this will happen in 2020, as it has already started testing the digital currency in two cities. This will push an avalanche of other major authorities, particularly the Bank of England and central banks in the EU — with Sweden being a current forerunner — to take steps in that direction to avoid falling behind China.


